Sprache Part 6: DelimitedBy

This is part of a series of posts documenting Sprache. The DelimitedBy methods are helpers for parsing delimited sequences of elements, (like arrays [1,2,3]) with a cleaner syntax.

Sprache Part 5: Select, Return, and Regex

This is part of a series of posts documenting Sprache. This post covers Select and Return, which are used for transforming the result of parsing, e.g. into an abstract syntax tree, as well as Regex and RegexMatch, which as you might expect allow you to augment Sprache parsers with regular expressions.

Sprache Part 3: Repetition (Many, AtLeastOnce, Until, Repeat, Once)

This is part of a series of posts documenting Sprache. This post covers the basic building blocks used to parse repeating elements - Many, AtLeastOnce, Until, Repeat, Once. There are some other methods used for parsing specific sorts of repeating elements, like DelimitedByand ChainOperator, however these helpers are built from these primitives.